Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cause nature has a funny way of breaking what does not bend.


Nature is a component of the Universe. That which does not necessarily bend might be interpreted as the ego. The ego is a wonderful tool to have. Traversing through the course of a lifetime and working with the ego is a wonderful challenge. It is to a great degree what being human is all about. But ultimately the ego does bend. It bends to the Universe. This is in the natural course of events.

We are each but a small subset of the Universe, so in a sense our conscious minds contain and small subset of the Universe. But the ultimate love, power and wisdom comes from the Universe.

It has taken me a long time to understand this. In the end, bending is a lot more constructive than breaking, and a lot easier......


Monday, May 25, 2009

A note concerning the nature of humans. Humans can be viewed as components of larger spiritual entities. Those larger entities take a portion of their energy base and spin it into a human body, and that spinoff we call a human soul, or human spirit. Work done and data collected by that individual is sent to that larger energetic entity.

It has been my experience that connecting to that larger entity, or oversoul, or higher self, is a worthy use of time. This activity elevates the consciousness of the human spirit. It makes its growth process steeper and more meaningful. It allows for the human soul to align itself more closely with the objectives of Prime Creator.

So ----- do not view yourself as a human. View yourself as that which is part of a much larger and more profound essence, as this is what you really are. Understand what it is to be human, and rejoice in that, but do not forget the larger picture, the more timeless picture, the picture which takes in more of the Universal process, and all the beauty it contains.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The challenge in understanding current times is not an intellectual challenge. We are blessed with access to the Internet, which gives us all sorts of information. This allows us to put together the 2012 puzzle. We can research the Mayan Calender, Terrance McKenna, NASA press releases, Hopi Prophecy, patterns of government behavior, etc. These and many more subject matters can be researched to gain understanding of the 2012 phenomena.

No, the challenge is not intellectual, it is is emotional and psychological. Change for humans is not easy. Rapid change is even more difficult. And if we accept 2012 as a real phenomena then we also have to accept that quite a bit of what we have been led to believe regarding the nature of our reality is wrong. We also have to come to grips with the realization that our reality/illusion is about to change in profound ways, many of which we might not see as desirable.

So throw this all together, and stir it, and one comes up with a very difficult proposition, and that is accept the change however painful it may be, in the name of personal growth and for the benefit of the growth of the Universe.

It was Jesus who said Seek the truth and the truth will set you free. This is a true statement, I am quite sure of that. But how hard is it going to be to accept that truth?

Friday, May 22, 2009

None of us are human beings. Rather, we are indeed spiritual beings having human experiences.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2012 is real.

In a nutshell, here is what it is about:

1. As it travels through space, the Solar System goes through a magnetic frequency area every so often.
2. This different energy has an affect on everything in the Solar System, including the sun, all the planets, all human bodies, and all human souls.
3. This effect changes things dramatically, it changes the type of energy the sun sends to Earth, it changes the climate and the geology of the Earth, it changes the human body's energetic grid, and most importantly the human soul.
4. Albert Einstein said that everything in the Universe was energy. All the above comes about due to the interaction of different forms of energy, which is the basis for the design of the Universe.
5. In a nutshell, hang on to your hats.....